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Get Set Weekend

Get Set Weekend

Mark Doggett31 Mar - 11:07
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Important update and task list

It’s now less than a week to go before Our Get Set Weekend.

Unfortunately, the use of the football pitches is required on the 7th of April, so we have decided to split the weekend between the 6th and 13TH April.
Please come down and help out even if its only for a short time, any help is always appreciated.

On the 6th the plan is to:
get the covers out of the storage area.
Paint the white fence around the patio area (weather permitting)
Tidy up the cricket storeroom.
Transfer the notices on the clubhouse notice boards.
Litter collection around the grounds.

On the 13th:
Clear up changing rooms
Get the benches down from the balcony and repair any damage.
Get out boundary ropes.
Remove protection boards from main scorebox.
Get Stumps and bails out.
Complete any outstanding work from the 6th.

An event has been created so you can register your availability.

Look forward to seeing you all.

Further reading